Monday, January 12, 2009

PSBS Hitting the Fan?

The A&E Paranormal State message board is still on “lock down”. Only a few “moderated” posts make it through. Some of us can understand why AETV is freaking out right now. It goes way beyond Chip Coffey’s online fiascos…

If you try to post to the board, you'll get something like this:

Please note, your topic will need to be approved by a moderator before it will be posted in the discussion.

Error: you do not have permission to view the requested discussion or category.

It's been this way since word of the Chip Coffey / Beatrice Marot feud made it's way from Ripoffreport to the AETV Boards.

Rumor has it, January is “go to court month” for AETV. Kelli Ryan isn't the only one turning up the heat. The father of the child involved in the “Lady Vampire” episode has taken legal action to prevent his daughter from being exploited on television. There’s a lot of chatter about more “clients” ready to step in line.

Sure, blogs and accounts have been deleted from MySpace and other sites. But YouTube has taken a hit as well. Many of the Paranormal State episodes have been removed.

"This video has been removed due to terms of use violation."

Perhaps the biggest surprise came today.

I tried to access the "official" Penn State PRS messageboard, you know - the one run by Topher and company....It's gone!

No kidding!
A week before their “season opener”, we get this lovely message:

That's right:
This Account Has Been Suspended
Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.

We’re still confused about the new “season”.

The A&E website says:
"The third season of "Paranormal State" premieres Monday, January 19 at 10PM ET/PT"

Ryan insists this is not season 3. He stated on the now “unavailable” PRS messageboard:

"But back on topic, yes, Paranormal State... January 19th. And NO, it's not season three. It's a continuation of season two. But there are already major discussions about season three."

Who's right?
Who's wrong?
Who's confused?

Is AETV trying to cut them loose?

Out with “Paranormal State”, and in with “Paranormal Cops”?

Piles of Chip...

Obviously, he’s a professional bullshitter.

He claims he wants to end the feud with Beatrice Marot. When she asked him to call off his friend who are endlessly harassing her, he says he can’t do it. His friend Tanila Price set up blog dedicated to slandering Beatrice, and he’s listed as a “follower”. Not only is he cheering this behavior on, he’s made a few more interesting posts around the ‘net himself.

Chip doesn’t think he should be held accountable for encouraging his fans who are threatening Beatrice. His fans have also threatened and harassed Kelli Ryan. He can usually be found wherever he sees his name on google alert, lashing out against posters who are critical of him and PSBS in general.

What does AETV think about his behavior?

During an interview with “Strange Frequencies Radio", Chip said, “networks don’t care about little pissing matches between two people”.

Chip also went on to talk about a “threat” he claims to have received. He said he's received a death threat because of the Kelli Ryan situation.

“From what I know there was a threat made to Kelli Ryan that someone knew where I was going to be and he was going to come and get me and make me pay. He called himself Jack and Jack the Ripper.”

What makes this really creepy is ”Jack” seems to be calling from Chip’s cell phone. Caller ID is a wonderful thing…